the sunshine blogger award

i’ve been a bit slack lately, but i was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by julie at one book more.
The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and inspiring while spreading sunshine to the blogging community.
- Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
- Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
- Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
- List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.
1. What’s your most anticipated read for the rest of 2021?

anything by stephanie garber is always going to be an anticipated book for me.
2. What was your favorite book when you were a kid?

3. If you could turn any book or series into a movie/film, which would you choose?
definitely ally carter’s gallagher girls series! i want a tv show!! my favourite tv show is leverage, and i imagine gallagher girls to be very similar to that but obviously a younger cast. i love me some spies and a good twist.
4. Have you ever written or considered writing a book?
yes! i wrote and completed a novel, however it will never see the light of day. maybe one day i’ll consider writing another one, but my life is far too busy right now to think about that. (and i feel like my creative juices have dried up)
5. What would be the title of the book based on your life?
i’d rather no one wrote a book of my boring ass life please.
6. If they make a movie based on your life, who would you cast as actor/actress for your role?
why is this question harder than it seems??? i guess beth riesgraf would be nice.

7. What is your favorite read of 2021?
either of these two. i can’t choose, they were both amazing.
8. What are you currently reading?
i’ve been chugging my way through court of bitter thorn for over a week now, waiting to finish it ….
i started the project audiobook the other day, and so far it’s okay but i’m blown away by it (like i thought i would be).
9. Is there a book you keep saying “One day I will read it” but you never do?
for such a long time it was six of crows, then i finally read it. and i was amazed. another book was the poppy war but i read that recently too. there isn’t much left that i’ve been meaning to read and still want to read. a lot of books, i give up or lose that spark that made me want to read it in the first place.
10. Can you name an underrated book you read and loved?

idk about underrated, but i don’t hear many people talking about this book much. definitely my all time favourite series. it has spies, a boarding school, and it’s fun.
11. What’s one book you wish you could reread for the first time?
how many times must i mention this series in this post. gallagher girls. or percy jackson.
if you haven’t gathered, i really, really love the gallagher girls series. and you should go read it. like, right now.
many thanks to julie for tagging me in this. these kinds of posts are always fun to make!
i tag:
literally anyone who would like to answer these questions! i’m keeping the same questions as julie as i think they’re wonderful (genuinely can’t think of better questions)
1. What’s your most anticipated read for the rest of 2021?
2. What was your favorite book when you were a kid?
3. If you could turn any book or series into a movie/film, which would you choose?
4. Have you ever written or considered writing a book?
5. What would be the title of the book based on your life?
6. If they make a movie based on your life, who would you cast as actor/actress for your role?
7. What is your favorite read of 2021?
8. What are you currently reading?
9. Is there a book you keep saying “One day I will read it” but you never do?
10. Can you name an underrated book you read and loved?
11. What’s one book you wish you could reread for the first time?
Julie @ One Book More
Yay! I love your answers! Six of Crows was one of my favorite reads of 2020- sooo good!
i just can’t believe i didn’t read it sooner! i’ve owned the books since crooked kingdom came out and just never got around to it. glad i read them eventually though, so worth it!
I haven’t heard of the gallagher girls series but since you talk so highly of it, i’ll check it out!
if you like spies and heists you def should!!
Once upon a broken heart is definitely my most anticipated too! I can’t wait for it.
Alison @ Ali's Books
I’m definitely looking forward to Garber’s newest!! Moody has been on my TBR forever now. Hopefully I’ll get to her books soon!
I'm All Booked Up
We love Gallagher Girls as much as you do!
I’m glad there’s some love going around
Wren @ Wings and Fables
Gallagher Girls! Yes!!! I’d love to see it brought to the screen. It’s such a good series and has so much potential.
I’d be worried they won’t do it justice though.
Hasini @ Bibliosini
This such a fun list of questions! Also, I haven’t read the Gallagher Girls series yet but I’ve been meaning to!
it’s for a younger audience, but you won’t be disappointed
Lindsey @ Lindsey Reads
Oh I love the Six of Crows duology and King of Scars duology too! Also that cover for Once Upon A Broken Heart is gorgeous.
they were definitely my top reads for this year so far! such good books. i put them off for so long as i didn’t like sab that much! i’m glad i watched the tv show and it ignited an interest.
Loved reading through your answers!! I agree that Crooked Kingdom is an amazing book and I’m glad to see that you enjoyed it!
i’m glad you enjoyed it too! i’m surprised it took me so long to read it!
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