

Dirty Laundry by Disha Bose

i received a copy of dirty laundry from penguin nz in exchange for an honest review. star rating dirty laundry review i have a love/hate relationship with domestic thrillers. i like to think that i love them, but oftentimes i’m left disappointed by them. luckily, dirty laundry was one of the few that i really enjoyed. …

chain of thorns, by cassandra clare

i received a copy of chain of thorns from walker books au in exchange for an honest review. star rating chain of thorns review while chain of thorns isn’t my favourite in the series, it was still a thoroughly enjoyable book to read. (it’s also not the worst in the series, so there’s that!) i …

the rogue crown, by a.k. mulford

i received a copy of the rogue crown from harper collins nz in exchange for an honest review. star rating the rogue crown review to read my review of book one, click here. to read my review of book two, click here. first things first: this book focuses a f/f romance, which we don’t get very …

the witches’ blade, by a.k. mulford

i received a copy of the witches’ blade from harper collins nz in exchange for an honest review. star rating the witches’ blade review to read my review of book one, click here. i really enjoyed the high mountain court. i had issues (mostly with the sex scenes feeling irrelevant), but i still liked it. i …

weyward, by emilia hart

i received a copy of weyward from harper collins nz in exchange for an honest review. star rating weyward review i had high hopes for weyward, so i was worried that i just wouldn’t get into it. often, when i have high hopes i end up disappointed. but not this time! weyward was so much better …

a forgery of roses, by jessica s. olson

i received a copy of a forgery of roses from harper collins nz in exchange for an honest review. star rating a forgery of roses review a forgery of roses is another one of those conduit based magic books that i’ve recently discovered that i love. the characters use art as a way to alter someone’s …

these infinite threads, by tahereh mafi

i received a copy of these infinite threads from harper collins nz in exchange for an honest review. star rating these infinite threads review to read my review of this woven kingdom (the first book), please click here. i really liked this woven kingdom. it was a fantastic book – a strong opening to a new …

this savage song, by v.e. schwab

i received a copy of this savage song from new south publishing au in exchange for an honest review. star rating this savage song review i hate it when i love a book so much that i don’t know how to review it. what’s critical thinking when all my thoughts are “oh my god”? this book …