a duel with the vampire lord by elise kova

i was fortunate enough to receive an advanced copy of a duel with the vampire lord from the author in exchange for an honest review.
you can find my review for a deal with the elf king here.
and you can find my review for a dance with the fae prince here.
star rating
a duel with the vampire lord review
as a huge fan of elise kova, especially her married to magic series, i jumped at the chance to review this book. i adored the previous two books, and loved this one too.
please note: although these books are set in the same world, they can all be read as standalone novels.
first and foremost: i loved flor. i loved her uniqueness, and her badass ways. i also particularly enjoyed her having a non typical job (being a black smith!) for a woman in fantasy literature. i appreciated the insight on how a forge would work, as it’s something that i have no experience with. you can see elise did a ton of research leading up to writing this book.
i also really found the lore for the vampires (vampir?) really interesting. a duel with the vampire lord played off historical vampire lore rather than typical fictional mythology. the use of blood magic was an interesting take. this book is creative and different from other vampire books i’ve read.
despite the size of the book, the romance felt rushed. the two characters were played off as enemies, but fell for each other way too quickly to be believable. i thought it would take much longer for feelings to make themselves known.
i think i’ve made it pretty clear that i loved this book (i had to google synonyms so it didn’t look like i was repeating myself! 😂). if you hadn’t guessed it yet, i think everyone should be adding this book to their tbrs.
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jbfdhjfdsd HOW ARE YOUR REVIEWS ALWAYS SO PERFECT 😭😭 I LOVE THEM OK?? also omg this book sounds FABULOUS AND TYSM FOR CONVINCING ME TO READ THIS RIGHT AWAY!! i mean the main character is a blacksmith?? THERE IS DETAILS??
THERE IS LOADS OF DETAILS. i saw a tiktok where the author literally WENT TO A WORKSHOP and learned for a day. if that isn’t dedication to writing, idk what is!
i was a little iffy on the vampire front as i feel like it’s overdone, but i found this one to be unique and refreshing.