fireborn, by aisling fowler

i received a free copy of fireborn to read and review, thanks to harper collins nz.

star rating
fireborn review
prior to starting fireborn, i was heading into a slump. i read several books that just weren’t great. that being said, middle grade books seem to always pull me out of a slump.
fireborn is action packed, from start to finish. there were no “boring bits”. the plot was well developed. there was only one scene that i wasn’t a fan of (dealings with a spider). a personal dislike that others might not mind.
the characters were fun and nice to watch grow. some characters i disliked at the start quickly became favourites. (and anyone who knows me, knows once I’ve made my mind up it’s hard to change!). each character brought something interesting to the story. my personal favourites are twelve and dog.
admittedly, the naming was a little confusing at first (i kept thinking five was six and six was five – don’t ask me why).
overall, this was an easy book to read, that kept me hooked from the start to the end. i’m so excited for the next book (i can’t believe I have to wait so long for it!!), and to see what happens next.
Good to see this middle grade book is so captivating. Middle grade kids have such short attention span.
they do, and i can’t fault their books. they’re always so fun to read.
The cover for this one looks so awesome, love the colors!
it looks so cool, right!?
This one definitely calls to me, I just put my name on the list at the library.
it’s so good. i hope you enjoy it!