they both die at the end, by adam silvera

i received a copy of they both die at the end from simon and schuster in exchange for an honest review.

star rating
they both die at the end review
they both die at the end is a sad story following mateo and rufus as they spend their last day alive together. this book tackles difficult subjects from sexuality to death in a in depth way.
despite the title being about dying, this book focuses more on life. both boys had their struggles and things that they regretted doing, but over the course of the book they realize how beautiful life could be. mateo and rufus brought out the best in one another, compelling each other to do things they never would have done otherwise.
one thing i need to point out is this book isn’t plot driven. it’s focus is the characters and how they manage to change and grow on their last day on earth. the book is set over the course of one day (which i felt a little concerned about, due to the short timeframe) but the author did a really good job at making it feel realistic and believable. the characters grew a lot in less than 24 hours, and i enjoyed watching their relationship flourish.
considering this was a contemporary book, i really enjoyed the worldbuilding. i actually wish there was more. i liked how they have this call centre that tells people when they’re going to die (on the day of). however, i wish there was something that explained how they knew that.
overall, this book definitely blew my expectations, and i’ll be checking out more of adam silvera’s books.
Hasini @ Bibliosini
I haven’t read any Adam Silvera yet but I keep seeing great reviews of his books! I should definitely pick up these books and try them myself! Thanks for the great review, Chelsea!
i kept putting them off as i’m not really much of a contemporary reader, but it was an entertaining read that delved into some important topics.
I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed this one, and I have to agree, the idea for the call center is AMAZING! Thanks so much for the review!!
it was definitely unique and creative! thank you for stopping by!
Happy Panda
I’m literally reading this right now. Glad to see your positive review.
i hope you’re enjoying it!
oo this has been on my tbr for a while now, I’m definitely going to pick it up after reading your review!
I’m glad you liked this one, I really loved it too. Great review!
i’m glad you also loved it!!