the final gambit by jennifer lynn barnes

i received a copy of the final gambit from penguin nz in exchange for an honest review.
star rating
the final gambit review
this is one of those series that i’m glad i savoured. i’m so happy i took my time with reading it, and actually enjoyed the mystery as it played out.
my absolute favourite thing about these books is the mystery. i love the puzzles that we get to work out, along with the characters. i loved second guessing myself and trying to figure it out before avery did. (not that i did this successfully though).
the plot twists were surprising, and i didn’t see them coming. admittedly, i was to wrapped up with the puzzles to notice much else happening lol!
as with the previous two books, i wasn’t overly keen on the love triangle. they don’t feel realistic and i just have a passionate hate for them. i’m surprised the triangle lasted all three books though. (i wish it was wrapped at the end of book one).
and finally, i loved that all the loose ends were tied up nicely. it’s not every day when you read a book where everything is tied off with a ribbon. (there’s usually something left out).
i’ve seen a lot of mixed reviews for this book (most relating to the love triangle and its outcome). if romance isn’t the main thing you’re reading this book for, then i think this book would be great for you (aka those who love a good mystery and don’t care about the relationships — like me). for those who get too into the love triangles, you might want to skip this book.
I don’t mind a love triangle. This series sounds wonderful!
it’s a fun read!