vespertine, by margaret rogerson

i received a copy of this book to review from the publisher via netgalley.

star rating

vespertine review

really, idk how to write this review. vespertine is a book that i’ve only heard amazing things about, and i was let down by my overall reading experience.

vespertine is a well written book, with an engaging plot and loveable characters. my only issue is that i spent most of the book confused. i felt like there wasn’t enough descriptions. it took me a long time to even realise what “vespertine” even was. i think this book would have benefitted from being expanded (either into a much larger book, or into two), in order to properly explain each event.

aside from that, i really loved the characters. i found the revenant really enjoyable. it was different, and fun. it’s not often that we get to read a book where there’s something else inhabiting the protagonist’s body.

the worldbuilding was great, although a little more history would’ve been amazing.

there was so many dark vibes from this book, which i loved!!

so aside from my confusion (which could be me, as i did wizz through this book way too fast), i found vespertine to be an entertaining read, and i look forward to reading more by this author.

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  1. Yolanda

    I’m sorry you were let down and confused – I hate that! 🙂 Good review though! This one is on my tbr list but not sure when I’ll get to it.

    1. yourbookishfriend

      from goodreads, i appear to be in the minority, lol. hopefully you enjoy it!

  2. Wendy Williams

    So sorry this didn’t work for you. I hate it when I get so confused I can’t enjoy the story.

    1. yourbookishfriend

      it’s so frustrating, isn’t it???

  3. abookowlscorner

    I’m sorry this one didn’t live up to your expectations! I absolutely loved Margaret Rogerson’s Sorcery of Thorns, so I’m not giving up on this one just yet, but I’m definitely apprehensive!

    1. yourbookishfriend

      i hope you enjoy it! i’m looking forward to picking up her other books sometime soon. despite not really enjoying this one, i hold hope that i’ll enjoy the others.

  4. atakefromtwocities

    definitely recommend you try A SORCERY OF THORNS by the author! I haven’t read anything that’s quite managed to capture that same excellent magic. but love that she’s consistently putting out fantasy standalones. – H

    1. yourbookishfriend

      honestly!! i can’t wait to pick it up, i’ve heard so many amazing things about it!!

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