The Queen’s Rising by Rebecca Ross

I received this book from Harper Collins NZ in exchange for an honest review.
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Star Rating: ★★★★☆
i didn’t like the queen’s rising to begin with. i found it rather slow and boring. i thought i’d have to dnf if as i just wasn’t feeling it. it took a bit but i finally got into it (about 1/4 to 1/3 in). the plot picked up, and i really enjoyed the characters. admittedly, it was a little slow but that was perfect for me was i wasn’t after anything fast paced at the time i started.
one thing i need to point out is the family tree. please, don’t read the family tree at the start of the book. the main reason for this is because brienna’s ancestry is supposed to be some kind of surprise to keep you reading. unfortunately, it’s given away in the family tree on the first page.
the politics was rather boring in the queen’s rising. i just didn’t feel it at all. it had nothing to do with my liking of the characters either. it just felt irrelevant and didn’t intrigue me.
on the other hand, i really loved the world building. the setting, the history, everything. this is definitely a world that interests me. i felt more hooked from the world building than the plot in the beginning. i also really enjoyed the use of the passions. but it seems silly that they can only have one though. what if they were good at something and didn’t actually like it? or bad at something but loved it anyway? what if they were good at a couple things or none of the ones provided but amazing at something else? (does this even make sense?)
and the last thing i want to say to conclude this review: omg cartier. i want one.
I actually felt the exact same way about this book when I read it!!! I still need to get to the sequel 😂
ngl i didn’t even realise there was a sequel. guess i know what i’m doing when i finish with the grishaverse.