the only child, by kayte nunn

i received a copy of the only child from hachette nz in exchange for an honest review.
star rating
the only child review
the only child is told in two differing povs. the first one is frankie, from 2013, and the second is brigid in 1949. while being so far apart in time, they share something in common: fairmile. fairmile was originally a catholic nunnery, while in the present day, it’s being renovated for tourists/guests.
i really loved seeing these two perspectives on the house. one saw it as a prison, while the other a piece of history that needed saving.
from the get-go, my favourite perspective was that of brigid. there was so much going on that just captured my interest. frankie and the present day were interesting enough, but not as exciting as poor brigid.
as a whole, i absolutely loved this book. the layer of mystery had me on the edge of my seat, shouting guesses into the void (i was right the first time, i should’ve stopped guessing after that 😂).
the writing style was easy to read. (as a slow reader, i LOVED this). the plot and characters were easy to follow (sometimes large casts get confusing — but not this one!).
the ending was very intense. everything came together nicely, as the mystery was revealed. i thoroughly enjoyed this part as it was so satisfying.
all in all, i highly recommend this book. you may or may not have read the authors other books (the silk house is quite popular). either way, i do recommend this if you’re after a good mystery with a satisfying ending.
buy your copy now!
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bnfdbnfdnnbfd HOW ARE ALL YOUR BOOK REVIEWS LITERALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR HALF OF MY DESPERATE-TO-READ TBR??? ITS UNFAIR OK?? but obviously i rebel AND ADD THIS BOOK ONTO THE STAGGERING PILE. the portrayal of the house as a prison while also being history that needed saving SOUNDS SO SO INTRIGUING??? i absolutely LOVE your review so much ITS PERFECTION
THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY???? to be responsible for someone’s tbr!! so amazing.
Lovely review. I like that the ending was so intense!
so did i! thank you wendy!
I love dual timelines and dual POV stories. This one sounds very intriguing. I’m glad you loved it so much. I’m definitely adding this to the list.
yes!! i hope you enjoy it!