cruella: the manga: black, white, and red, by hachi ishie
i received a copy of cruella from simon and schuster in exchange for an honest review.
star rating
cruella review
while i haven’t seen the movie yet, but i found the manga to be a very interesting read, providing a fresh look into cruella as an indidual. it delved into the history of estella, which i didn’t know previously. (i’m unsure the movie goes over the details). being a movie adaptation, i really look forward to watching the new movie (yes, i’m surprised i haven’t seen it either!!)
the plot wasn’t particularly interesting, and i assume it’s of no fault to the author (being a film adaptation). the characters weren’t particularly likeable either. however, i found learning about the history of a disney villain to be very fun. i love villain origin stories, and will definitely enjoy reading more along similar lines.
while it wasn’t the best book i’ve read, it was still interesting and i devoured it in one sitting! i loved the artwork, and think the author did a fantastic job on what they had to work with.
I absolutely adore villain backstories too, AND THIS ONE SOUNDS AMAZING! Definitely picking it up first chance I get! Thanks so much for the rec!
YES!! i hope you enjoy it!
I like these explorations of villains that Disney is doing. Wish the plot was stronger though
i think it’s a wonderful idea! i usually love villain origin stories as it gives so much insight to their characters.
I’ve not read this version but I did read the YA novel Cruella and it really was interesting to imagine a backstory for such a well known villain.
i haven’t read that one, but i’ll have to check it out!!
Very interesting to see how Cruella got so evil. And that cover is so cool!
the cover really is something!! so pretty.
This looks pretty good, I haven’t seen the movie either but I’d like to😁
well, when you watch it i hope you enjoy it! i hope to watch it sometime soon.
Ahhh this sounds so so good!! I ADORED the movie, and I can’t wait to get to this!
i hope you enjoy it if you get around to reading it.
Being honest, I’ve never thought of Cruella’s backstory but now that you mention it, I’m intrigued! Now I want to know the backstories of all the overlooked villains haha.
i’m really loving all these origin stories that’re coming out lately. i think they’re fun!