cursed by marissa meyer

i received a copy of cursed from text publishing in exchange for an honest review.
star rating
cursed review
if you haven’t already, you can read my review of gilded here.
i was looking at rating this book somewhere between 3 and 4 stars but that ending really blew me away. (holy shit). so i bumped it up. my issue was mostly due to the size of the book. at nearly 500 pages, you’re bound to come across parts that seem to drag out. that being said, cursed is medium to fast paced book where there’s always something happening.
the last 25% was action packed with lots of revelations and tying off of loose ends. there’s a couple of plot twists that had me on the edge of my seat. marissa meyer truly knows how to captivate a reader!
the characters were much the same from gilded. while there was development, it wasn’t unexpected. the only one i was a little concerned about was the alder king. he did some things that had me questioning what i knew of him (i’m keeping it vague for the spoilers!).
gild was the only one who changed in a way that i didn’t quite like. i loved him in gilded, but found him a little annoying in cursed. he was fine by the end of the book, but somewhere in the middle, i just wanted to slap him.
from what i’ve gathered (through my very scientific research), marissa meyer is the queen of fairytale retellings. she does a good job of staying faithful to the original work and the cultural background while putting her own spin on it.
I love a surprise ending. Wonderful review!
thank you wendy!